Solar As A Website (SAAS)
Solar As A Service (SAAS)
Since the advent of this century, solar power has evolved from a generic and theoretical concept to a tangible and increasingly popular source of renewable energy.
UM Capital’s Solar as a Service lets you buy clean, affordable solar power that is generated utilizing the most abundant source of energy in the universe-the sun. Enabling you to generate renewable energy in a fast, clean and secure manner, we carry out the completion of the entire production and financing phase, from installation to maintenance.
Solar Power as a service is an innovative and low-risk business model that aims to provide renewable energy as an option to more consumers without complications and financial constraints.
Development & EPC Consulting
Long Term Asset Owner Operator
Funding & Acquisitions
Finding or developing the correct platform, integrating utility and design, is critical to the building’s worth. Our considerable transaction experience, along with our comprehensive understanding of the solar business and worldwide networks. The team specializes in assisting Solar Panel Installation, Storage, Technology, Microgrid, and Data firms with capital raising, expansion through smart acquisition, and sell-side mandates.